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CCPA Deep Dive: How California is Enforcing its Major Privacy Law

December-2020-Cover.jpgDecember 2020 | COVER STORY

California’s attorney general began enforcing the first U.S. state-level comprehensive privacy law in summer 2020, creating opportunities and challenges for organizations subject to compliance.
“…as we battle a pandemic that has moved so much of life online, companies know more about us, our children, our habits than ever before,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra explained. “That data is today’s gold. And as with gold, there’s been a rush to mine, use, and sell our personal information. Americans need robust tools that allow them to understand who has their data, what was collected, if it can be deleted, and how they can opt out of downstream selling.”

The Evolving Nature of Travel

The travel and tourism industries—and those organizations looking to relaunch business travel—must be flexible enough to deal with the uncertainty of the virus as well as the constantly shifting regulatory landscape of every country.

COVID-19 and Background Screening

For a few fortunate companies, the coronavirus pandemic has spiked demand for their goods and services. The urgency of getting more people on the job—paired with the delay in getting background information from courts and other institutions—has put some organizations in a bind.

Security Awaits Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has tantalized organizational effectiveness experts for years. But while the shift from paper to virtual files is well accepted, security applications for next-generation technology requires research.

Eyes on the USS Midway Museum

The USS Midway Museum’s video management platform gives its IT and security departments flexibility in terms of tailoring hardware to the site’s warship surroundings and allowing individual access to select camera views.


“As an ASIS member, I have never been prouder of my fellow members and this organization than I am this year,” says Godfried Hendriks, CPP, president of ASIS International.

Road Traffic Fatality Rates Spike in 2020

Despite quarantines, stay-at-home orders, and a 17 percent drop in the number of miles driven between January and June 2020, the United States saw a 20 percent jump in motor vehicle deaths in the first half of 2020.

Legal Report

Walmart, Inc., agreed to pay $20 million and provide other relief in order to end a hiring discrimination lawsuit; a ruling by a state circuit court could set the tone for a growing number of lawsuits business owners are filing against their insurance providers.