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Security Career Paths: Preparing for Personality Assessments

June 2020 cover.jpgJune 2020 | COVER STORY

Imagine this scenario: You get to the final stage of the hiring process for your dream corporate security job, and HR informs you that you are one step away from an offer. All you need to do is answer one question within 30 seconds: Find the next number in the sequence: 2, 7, 28, 63, 126, ___.

Did your heart just skip a beat? Wel­come to the new world of hiring, in which assessments matter and objective reviews of prospective candidates rule over subjective evaluations and opinions.

Safeguarding Your Stay

Security leaders have a chance to use previous rare tragedies—such as terrorist events or natural disasters—as a catalyst to improve their organization’s resilience.

June 2020 Legal Report

A U.S. federal court ruled that academic researchers testing online hiring platforms for discrimination did not violate a federal hacking law.


ASIS International continues its mission to become a truly global organization with leadership in every corner of the world.

Industry News

Learn about the latest projects, installations, mergers, acquisitions, and announcements from the security industry.

Four Travel Safety Tips

When traveling to another country or region, business travelers can suddenly find themselves in the minority. Here are four things to keep in mind to minimize travelers’ personal risk and increase operational security while abroad.

U.S. Drug Misuse Rates Continue to Climb

To encourage progress in drug misuse prevention—especially in light of exacerbating conditions brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, the GAO will add the issue to its High Risk List in 2021.